
Alhamdulillah. Another year has passed and I have aged another year (two days ago). Haha
My 21st year of living has proven to be a challenging year.
More challenges to come I'm sure.

I sort of promised myself that I'd update this blog more often but..
Whenever I'm in the mood to blog, I won't have any ideas what to blog about. When I do have ideas, I usually have no time to.

Okay, whatever it is, I just wanted to talk about the people who made turning 22 special.

My family who decided to wish me a happy birthday hours early, because they said that since I was born in Malaysia, my birthday is according to Malaysia's time zone +8!
Thank you to my wonderful mother who gave birth to me.
My father who raised us in such a way that we turned out the way we are now.
And my baby brothers, no matter how old you are, you're still my babies forever.

(Reallyyyyyy old picture from like 3 years ago because I couldn't find a recent family photo that's decent enough haha. )

 And also these girlies who planned this! Though it didn't turn out the way you guys wanted, it was still great.
Haha, looks like a Valentine's Day spread doesn't it? With the flower petals and everything haha.
Kak Huda cooked my most favourite food in the world, nasi lemak! :D

And also Kak Mali gave me this. With a short but sweet message. 

And these lovely cards from lovely people. 

Thank you for all the lovely wishes and prayers. My 22nd year of living will definitely be a memorable one, InsyaAllah. 


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