DIY Coffee and Cocoa mask

So, coffee and cocoa. What do they have in common? 
They both have antioxidant properties. Or so I've heard.
Right, rather than boring you with the technicalities behind it all, let me just tell you that it can reduce the dark circles under your eyes and brighten your skin. 
Disclaimer: I got this off a website btw. And the pictures are from Google.

What you need:
1tsp coffee (you can use those coffee that comes in little packets from hotels. but NOT the 3 in 1 ones)
1tsp cocoa powder
1tsp milk 
OPTIONAL: a few drops of honey (dry skin) or lemon juice (oily skin) 

Just add them all together, stir and apply to face. Wait for it to dry. Do some relaxing activities like reading and such. Oh, it's Ramadan. Read the Quran! :) 
Wash it off with warm water. Voila! 

Waking up early for sahur and lack of water may cause our eyes to get puffy and our skin to be dry. Maybe this can help. Personally, I'd put it on after maghrib prayers, and while waiting for it to dry, read the Quran. Once it dries and you wash it off, you're just in time for Isya' and tarawih! What better way to meet our Creator than feeling fresh.


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