
I have realised yet again that I am absolutely rubbish at keeping a blog. Every time I get the burst of inspiration to write something, I never have the time. And when I do have time, I have no idea what to write about. Alhamdulillah, I have reached the end of my pre-clinical phase of medical school. Huh, not even halfway through medical school and I'm already half dead haha. Exams are in less than a month and I still have so much revision ahead of me. I kindly beg for your prayers that I will do well :( My End of Phase battle plan is as follows: 1. Make a revision schedule according to my exam schedule. Since my exam schedule has gaps in between papers, I will have time to sort of revise that subject beforehand. And surprisingly, there's like a five-day gap between by OSCEs and my Physiology paper, giving me ample time to study. So I sort of can put off studying Physiology and focus on other subjects. 2. Go through ALL lectures. Focus on the subjects that I am ...